Free Video: Mary Oliver Poem


I was lying on my bed after abdominal surgery, in pain and feeling very blue, when I began listening to your cd Relax Into Healing: Pain, Softening the Sensations. After listening and participating in the meditation, I felt an incredible feeling of calm and relief come over me. My partner came into the room and I said to her, “I just went from despair and rage to hope and joy.” It really was a major turning point and one that lasted for the rest of my recovery. Thank you so much Nancy for of… Read more
Solala Towler, Author/Qigong Teacher, Eugene, Oregon
Nancy Hopps
Hello, and warm greetings to you. It’s my pleasure to offer you this recording of an intimate live performance of “The Summer Day” by Mary Oliver that my husband, Ken, captured on video. It was done as part of an informal showcase by The Actors Table of Eugene, held at Tsunami Books.

It’s one of my favorites of her poems, and I thought you might enjoy it as well.  I think you’ll see why it speaks so deeply to me. (You may recognize its closing line!)

To receive your FREE “Mary Oliver Poem” video now, please enter your name and email address and click “Access.” Once that’s done, your “Mary Oliver Poem” video will immediately be on its way to your inbox.



Free Video: 2 Mary Oliver Poems

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I was lying on my bed after abdominal surgery, in pain and feeling very blue, when I began listening to your cd Relax Into Healing: Pain, Softening the Sensations. After listening and participating in the meditation, I felt an incredible feeling of calm and relief come over me. My partner came into the room and I said to her, “I just went from despair and rage to hope and joy.” It really was a major turning point and one that lasted for the rest of my recovery. Thank you so much Nancy for of… Read more
Solala Towler, Author/Qigong Teacher, Eugene, Oregon