

How were you drawn to Nancy’s work? About three years ago there was a lovely article in the Register Guard and it really told all about her. I had [breast] cancer at the time but it had not spread and I wasn’t really in need of, or didn’t think I was in need, of help at the time. But very shortly after that, Nancy had a CD signing over at Border’s bookstore and I was out of town…but I gave her a call because my cancer had spread and I was needing to start chemo. And, oh, I’ll tell you, … Read more
JeanRetired Executive Secretary (breast cancer)

Hi Nancy -I am 49, a many-year yoga teacher, yoga nidra teacher and cancer/palliative care social worker – currently going through the experience of triple negative breast cancer treatment…While I have guided many patients and students through this journey, I felt deeply that I needed a guide or coach myself. I find much of what’s available in the world of visualization unhelpful or unfitting with my own spiritual view…

I am so grateful to have found your deeply wise offering “Chemotherapy: A Healing Solution” while doing a late-night search on the web. I’m on my third day after my first chemo treatment (1 of 8 of a very dose-dense two-week protocol requiring bone marrow boosters in between cycles) and your gentle support has been such a blessing to me! Profound gratitude for all that you do, and many blessings your way. Namaste

MishaVictoria, BC, CANADA


How were you drawn to Nancy’s work? About three years ago there was a lovely article in the Register Guard and it really told all about her. I had [breast] cancer at the time but it had not spread and I wasn’t really in need of, or didn’t think I was in need, of help at the time. But very shortly after that, Nancy had a CD signing over at Border’s bookstore and I was out of town…but I gave her a call because my cancer had spread and I was needing to start chemo. And, oh, I’ll tell you, … Read more
JeanRetired Executive Secretary (breast cancer)