Weddings – more


Your very professionally-done CDs have helped so many of our patients – specifically I’m thinking of one of our head and neck cancer patients – your Radiation CD really helped him get through a series of rigorous radiation treatments.  He was claustrophobic and worked diligently with your CDs every day to manage his anxieties on the treatment table.  Thanks for all you do!
Gretchen Matsuoka, M.Ed.Oncology Social Worker


I have officiated a number of weddings and re-commitment ceremonies over the years. I consider it a deep honor to be invited to participate in one of the most sacred rituals that exists between two human beings.  Pledging to love with the depth of courage and commitment that marriage demands is a very profound promise, and brings with it some of life’s deepest challenges… and very richest rewards.

(189)WEDDINGS-SPUD-Marriage Address

 One very special wedding I’ve had the honor of being involved in was that of my own beloved daughter, Annamieka, and her mate, Peter. They were married right here at The Healing Sanctuary. Although my main role was Mother of the Bride, I was also invited to give the Marriage Address.  I can tell you that experience is forever emblazoned upon my heart.  (I’m including a few more photos, because I’m a proud mama, and after all……this is my website!)  Unspeakable love to you both, “Spud and Pedro!”

 (390)WEDDINGS-Spud&Pedro-MamaDaughter    (297)WEDDINGS-Spud&Pedro-Circle   (527)WEDDINGS-Spud&Pedro-PathKiss

Below are words and images relating to the Sayulita, Mexico wedding I mentioned on the previous page, the marriage of dear souls Christina and Lazzaro. First, the beautiful words Christina sent to me, as she reflected on their experience.

Wedding Ceremony Reflection

The love and esteem we hold for Nancy dips from an infinite well.

When imagining the feeling we wanted to capture at our “Celebration of Love,” it was clear that the choice of minister was a keystone element. We needed someone Light and Spirit-filled to hold the space for the sacred contract that we were about to undertake. Someone who would set the space with both her presence and her address. Most essentially, this individual would have to be skilled in creating a comfortable and familiar space [and working with a translator,] to bring to reality the vision we held for our 100 guest bi-lingual and multi-cultural ceremony.

Nancy Hopps was a grounding and focused force as minister for our wedding. She set the energetic space for us early in the day with a crystal bowl meditation. During this incredible event she offered our intimate relatives and close friends the first taste of sitting in union as one family. The relaxation I felt, hearing the resonance of the crystal bowls, allowed me to release from by body the tension of wedding preparations. I was able to sit calmly in my power-seat throughout the rest of the day, resting on this foundation.

Nancy’s talent in creating and holding spiritual space made possible the formation of the unified energy we hoped to create, so our culturally diverse guests could really feel engaged in the ceremony. When I think back on that precious and brief moment at the altar, Nancy’s grounded presence, big smile and wise eyes still hold true and deep in my memory. No one could have held the space as minister with such grace and sacred presence as Nancy. Her presence as minister was a gift we continue to truly cherish.

The wedding was a resplendent event, one that would indeed take a thousand words per picture to even begin to describe.  So I will let the pictures tell the story…  (To you, Christina y Lazzaro: Tanto Te amo inmensamente. Su unión es una bendición para todos nosotros./I love you both immensely. Your union is a blessing to us all. )

(Click on an image to enlarge it.  Then you can use arrows to move through them…)


I also officiate memorial services/end-of-life celebrations, with the same sense of honor and awe at this great Wheel of Life that merges life and death into One.

If you’d like to discuss the possibility of my officiating at a marriage, a re-commitment ceremony or an end-of-life celebration, please contact me.




Your very professionally-done CDs have helped so many of our patients – specifically I’m thinking of one of our head and neck cancer patients – your Radiation CD really helped him get through a series of rigorous radiation treatments.  He was claustrophobic and worked diligently with your CDs every day to manage his anxieties on the treatment table.  Thanks for all you do!
Gretchen Matsuoka, M.Ed.Oncology Social Worker