Rochelle Grant


I sure wish I’d had your beautiful CD when I was going through my radiation treatments. It would have made it so much easier! This is very valuable work.
Lynda Czajkowska Thompson

Gidday Nancy,  Just wanted to drop you a quick line to say thanks again for taking time to send across your Surgery: Mindful Mending CD. I found it so helpful and nurturing, especially as I waited in the operating room. The minutes before “going under” have been anxious for me in the past. This time I relaxed and visualised the outcome I wanted. It worked!  The [wisdom teeth extraction] surgery went really well… I listened to your CD every day the following week… I thought it would interest you to know that my Surgeon said on a scale of 1-10 in terms of difficulty operating (my teeth were right next to my facial nerves), my operation was an 11. He said he didn’t want to have me worry unnecessarily, but that I had a very real chance of coming out with partial face paralysis/permanent loss of feeling. When all was said and done, I figure I am very lucky and super glad that I prepared as well as I did. Thought it would also interest you to know that I was the only one in surgery that day to recover well. I had NO swelling and NO bruising. Unlike my fellow patients ~ who obviously hadn’t done their positive visualisations beforehand! Without exception they came out black and blue and swollen. LOL. Anyway Nancy, thanks again for caring and sharing. Bless you.

Rochelle GrantSydney, Australia


Nancy brings her gift for sharing deep love and acceptance of who you are to the practice of EDGU.  My time spent with Nancy in EDGU has been deeply healing and inspiring to my life in many ways from working through depression and anxiety to learning to love and accept myself as I am. I also began to grow and develop my sense of connection to a higher purpose and to my higher self as student of Nancy’s EDGU class. This was not an overnight process but I do know that my years of EDGU practice wi… Read more
Tina Powell