

Engaging.  [“End of the Rope’] leaves you wondering how you felt so much so quickly.
Joey Sendaydiego, Visual Artist

How were you drawn to Nancy’s work?

About three years ago there was a lovely article in the Register Guard and it really told all about her. I had [breast] cancer at the time but it had not spread and I wasn’t really in need of, or didn’t think I was in need, of help at the time. But very shortly after that, Nancy had a CD signing over at Border’s bookstore and I was out of town…but I gave her a call because my cancer had spread and I was needing to start chemo. And, oh, I’ll tell you, when I got out here to see her, and bought more of her tapes [CDs], it’s just been a blessing.

What aspect of her work or CDs has impacted you most?

The calming effect. I put about five of them on my iPod and would listen to it through the chemo treatments, and, it’s just… she just puts you into such a wonderful place. I have one of them in a portable CD player by my bedside. And almost every night when I wake up in the middle of the night, can’t go back to sleep, I’ll turn on her tape. She’s just been such an important part of my life….I have recommended her to many, many people… I just can’t say enough good about her. She brings peace and serenity to your life and…real purpose. I know I can conquer anything with her guidance and help.

JeanRetired Executive Secretary (breast cancer)


Engaging.  [“End of the Rope’] leaves you wondering how you felt so much so quickly.
Joey Sendaydiego, Visual Artist