Valerie Sclafani


I have been enjoying my “Go to sleep!” CD. I love both CD Resource Kits, allowing each of us, your students, to feel that personal side of you. I have learned to come into the program at different cuts for personalized effects. You do good work! Thank you. P.S. My friend (an RN) is getting good results with your healing CD (Relax Into Healing: Finding the Peaceful Place Within) as well, following her heart surgery.
Rev. Dr. John F. IngramEugene, OR

[in response to a newsletter] Dear Nancy, You are such a gift.  I feel like I just sat down with a friend for a cup of coffee.  You would have no reason to remember this, but I actually spoke with you once.  I had a friend suffering from cancer and looking for any way of helping her, I stumbled upon your website.  I called and you answered the phone and made me feel so much better. And your Cancer CD helped her tremendously. God Bless you for your work.  You are the “Real Deal.” Much appreciation,

Valerie Sclafani


I especially liked the format of [Track 2 – Relaxation/Affirmation Techniques] – the deep relaxation induction followed by a series of well-designed affirmations. It gives the listener time to ingest each one on a deep, subjective level.
S.W.Institute for Bio-Acoustic ResearchEugene, OR