A Random Act of Kindness

A Random Act of Kindness


I have used some of Nancy’s excellent relaxation tapes with both adults and teens with superb results.  Her gentle, pleasing voice aids in transporting the listener through a rainbow of guided images.  I highly recommend her tapes to anyone who is on the path less traveled.
Joyce ThayerLake County Learning CenterLakeview, OR

by | Oct 27, 2008 | Blog | 0 comments

I am in awe of Divine Synchronicity.

This morning, I had the joy of singing a couple of duets – both beautiful, inspiring songs – at our local Unity Church. My daughter, Mieka, and Peggy, a dear friend of mine, were both at the service, and afterward, the three of us left the church sort of floating….high on the feeling of Love generated by the heart-opening music, the minister’s powerful message, and the magic that happens “where two or more are gathered.”

We went out to lunch at a nearby Thai restaurant, where we ran into a couple of old friends we’d not seen in years, so there were hugs all around, much lively conversation, and general merriment going on.  Besides our two parties, the only other customer in the restaurant was a single man, probably sixty or so, who happened to be seated so he was looking directly at our two back-to-back booths. He couldn’t help but watch all the shenanigans, which seemed to be genuinely amusing him.

Our friends were leaving soon for Japan for her son’s wedding, so she wanted to take photos of us to show to him, since we’d not seen him, either, for a number of years. At one point in the photo shoot, as we were laughing and shuffling around into different configurations, I looked over at the solo gentleman, and said, “You didn’t know you were gonna get live entertainment this morning, did you?”

He smiled and said he was thoroughly enjoying it. to which I replied, “You know, you’re welcome to join us if you like, if you’re here alone.” I don’t always invite strangers to join us, but for some reason, today I did.

He thanked me, but said, “I’m waiting patiently….actually, I’m waiting impatiently for my son.” I smiled and nodded, and turned my attention back to our group.

Soon thereafter, our friends took their leave, and Mieka, Peggy and I got our meals, and became engrossed in our own conversation as we ate. We were so engrossed that we didn’t even notice the neighboring gentleman leaving. I happened to glance out the window alongside our booth, and saw him getting into his car – a little sports car convertible, which was parked right in front of our booth, facing our direction.

“Oh,” I said, “that’s too bad…..I didn’t even see him leave.  I guess his son never showed up.” Mieka and Peggy looked out, and Mieka said, “Ohh…..he looks so sad!”

He really did. He looked heart-wrenchingly sad. I replied, “Yeah….makes ya wanna just go give him a hug or something, doesn’t it?”

“Let’s do it! C’mon, hurry, he’s pulling out…!” Mieka cried as she pushed me out of the booth. Peggy, normally a bit more reserved, jumped up saying, “I’ll do it!”, and all three of us dashed to the front door.

Mieka and Peggy intercepted him as he backed out from his spot. As I watched from the doorway, I have to admit I struggled for just a moment with that Proper Adult voice inside that said, “You can’t just run out into the parking lot after a strange man in a little sports car to give him a hug!  Three women accosting him?? He’ll think you’re nuts!”

But I chose to ignore these admonitions, and made my way over to join Mieka and Peggy at the passenger’s side of his car.
Meanwhile, Mieka, I found out later, had said something to the effect of, “Excuse me!  Umm……we just wanted to say we’re sorry your son didn’t show up.  I’ve stood up people I love before, including my step-dad. (Gesturing to Peggy:) I stood her up twice! (Peggy confirmed this.) So on behalf of your son, I just wanted to apologize.”

He’d responded that, “Yeah, my son messes around with cell phones all the time, but he can’t set an alarm clock.”
I’d reached the car at this point, and he looked at the three of us for a moment, then continued, “Actually, I think the reason he didn’t show up is because I’m going in for surgery for lung cancer tomorrow, and he just can’t handle it.”

There was a momentary pause, as three hearts opened even wider. Then we made our way around to the driver’s side of the car, and took turns giving him those hugs. He was a bit surprised, but obviously touched .(No pun intended!)

I told him I had a gift I wanted to give him, and ran over to my car and came back and gave him a Surgery and a Cancer: Embracing the Healing Journey CD & Booklet. Mieka and I told him we were both cancer survivors – she even showed him the incision scars just under her collarbones. We told him we would be thinking of him, and holding him in our prayers tomorrow, and I asked if at some point he’d call and let me know how he was doing.

When I’d told him this is what I do professionally and handed him the CDs, the expression of incredulousness on his face was surpassed only by the loving, grateful look in his eyes. We all agreed that Divine Synchronicity is pretty darn amazing, and then, with warm smiles and thank-yous, he drove off, and we went back in and finished our now cold-but-who-cares Thai food. We found it hard to say much more than, “Hmmm! and  Wow!” for the rest of the meal.
Was it a bit unorthodox to go chasing after a strange man to give him a hug in the parking lot, when he’s already pulling out, for goodness sake!??  You betcha.
But as I was reminded once again today, the heart always knows better than the head. When Spirit moves you to do something, the Proper (or Fearful or Shy or….) Adult may just have to be left waving her arms and sputtering “But, but….”  I know mine was ultimately very glad I overrode her “sensible” advise.
So I encourage you to reach out, to follow that crazy inner prompting of the heart. Commit that random act of kindness. Err on the side of Love. What do you really have to lose?  And there is ever so much to gain.




I have used some of Nancy’s excellent relaxation tapes with both adults and teens with superb results.  Her gentle, pleasing voice aids in transporting the listener through a rainbow of guided images.  I highly recommend her tapes to anyone who is on the path less traveled.
Joyce ThayerLake County Learning CenterLakeview, OR