And the Phoenix Shall Rise From the Ashes

And the Phoenix Shall Rise From the Ashes


I have used some of Nancy’s excellent relaxation tapes with both adults and teens with superb results.  Her gentle, pleasing voice aids in transporting the listener through a rainbow of guided images.  I highly recommend her tapes to anyone who is on the path less traveled.
Joyce ThayerLake County Learning CenterLakeview, OR

by | Sep 30, 2008 | Blog | 0 comments

“The only thing we have to fear is fear itself…” FDR’s infamous words, spoken during the Great Depression, are ringing loud and clear today.

It’s really pretty amazing to be living in these times of such accelerated change. Our political and economic arenas are exploding with unprecedented happenings, with what may appear to be chaos and doom. But viewed through another lens, this “chaos” is incredibly exciting and, potentially, earthshakingly transformative.

I believe we are living in a time in which we are creating a shift of such magnitude that it’s nearly incomprehensible. Sometimes, tuning into the outer drama that’s unfolding, my human self feels more than a bit shaken. (”Omigod, half my retirement account just went up in smoke.”). And yet, something deeper…much deeper….knows it’s all okay. In fact, it feels electrifyingly necessary and good.

As Einstein said, “A problem cannot be solved from the same consciousness level in which it was created.” What a great example of this principle we’re seeing all around us:  the contentious war in Iraq, the grand-scale economic melt-down, the flailing health-care system…to name but a few…ALL of these outer circumstances were created from a mass consciousness level that no longer exists!! And so the outer form MUST break down to make way for the new. The phoenix will rise from its ashes.

What a historic moment we witnessed yesterday in Congress: both parties uniting to vote down the 700 billion dollar bail-out bill (a desperate attempt to keep the rapidly crumbling economic structures in place. Our representatives in Congress just said “NO!”. *(see P.S., below)

They…..we!!……..drew a line in the sand, and said, “Thus far and no farther!  This madness may not continue.  We will no longer be manipulated by fear, in a system ruled by greed.”  Enough of us woke up and spoke up, and demanded, on a deep soul level, that the old give way to the new.  Just as we did at our nation’s inception, we let the ruling political powers know that THIS IS IT.  WE ARE BIRTHING A NEW NATION.

The political clime must and always does reflect our collective consciousness. So hooray for us! Enough of us are waking up, and speaking up, that the dawn of rebirth is beginning to glimmer, even in the midst of seeming destruction and chaos.

My soul is on fire. It feels as if I’ve been waiting for this chapter in human history for a very long time. Let us relinquish the old as gracefully as possible, while holding strong the Vision of what we know, deep inside, is really possible. This is it. We are, indeed, the change we seek.



P.S. – Obviously, I wrote the above entry the day after the vote on the original bill. It, of course, was subsequently modified and passed into law. Yet I leave the above as is. This is the most politically oriented rant I’ve ever written, and felt important to me to speak out about. I believe it is historic that the initial reaction was to defeat this bill. The long term effects of the ultimate passage of the bail out bill remain to be seen. Meanwhile, I stand my ground, and applaud those lawmakers who had the courage and farsightedness to stand theirs. Having now said this, let me also say with just as deep a conviction, that I honor all points of view, including those in seeming opposition to mine. God bless America, and all nations. Namaste.


I have used some of Nancy’s excellent relaxation tapes with both adults and teens with superb results.  Her gentle, pleasing voice aids in transporting the listener through a rainbow of guided images.  I highly recommend her tapes to anyone who is on the path less traveled.
Joyce ThayerLake County Learning CenterLakeview, OR