Elevate the Election — How to Affect Real Change, Right Now!

Elevate the Election — How to Affect Real Change, Right Now!


Hopps is charming in “Raw Canvas,” The story of Rosalyn, a talented painter, inspired by Walton’s own mother-in-law, Australian artist Helen Marshall.
Dorothy Velasco

by | Nov 7, 2016 | Blog | 15 comments

elevatetheelectionblog-nz-img_1854In the weeks leading up to this Election Day, I’ve felt an uncustomary heaviness in my heart. Tears have come more easily than usual. At times, I’ve felt powerless and overwhelmed, like a sponge soaking up the generalized anxiety so pervasive in those around me. And I know I am not alone. This election is affecting our entire global family in unprecedented ways.

I normally do not engage in much political discussion, especially in a professional capacity. But this time is different.

I get one vote. And I have cast it. Yet, sometimes it seems so insignificant, so ineffective at swaying the outcome of this all-important election.

I’m told the presidential election and other pivotal races may come down to whether or not many disheartened and/or disenfranchised voters decided it was even worth a trip to the polls. So, for the first time in my life, at the desperate urging of a political action group, I did some telephone canvasing, encouraging people in swing states to get out and vote. It still felt like a drop in the bucket.

Like many Americans, I’m not thrilled with either major party choice. Yet, I believe one candidate has very real potential for causing catastrophic, perhaps irreparable harm on various domestic and global levels. Thus, to not do what I can to help prevent that candidate from being elected feels unconscionable.

At the same time, I believe political representatives are just that – representatives. A candidate cannot be other than a reflection of collective consciousness. To bedevil one individual is to miss a much larger picture, and a much larger opportunity for healing.

Because I believe this so deeply in my heart, I also believe one of the most powerful ways to effect the outcome of this election is to elevate our consciousness about it. As Michele Obama put it, to not “go low,” but to continue to “go high.”

To use the power of meditation and prayer. To visualize an outcome, beyond mere candidate choices, that serves the Highest Good.

If you, like me, are deeply saddened that our democratic process has been reduced to which candidate can dig up the most dirty laundry and make the most lethal accusations about the other, I invite you to join me and many others in turning this destructive, negative energy around. Wield your powerful influence beyond your single vote, beyond any other political actions you may feel inspired to take.


Hundreds of well-documented studies have been done showing that prayer and focused intention via meditation (and sound healing) have tangible positive effects, including lower crime rate and reduced conflict activity in war zones.



Join me and many thousands of others in our global family, as we Elevate the Vote via the powerful influence of meditation and prayer. Choose love. Choose to empower your belief in the innate goodness of humankind, to make it stronger than your fear, anxiety or disgust regarding this election.

“This election is very charged with strong likes and dislikes for candidates depending on where one stands. This passion is powerful as it is born of a deep love whether for justice, for country, for planet, for peace, for safety, and prosperity. If we are to forget the candidates for a moment and focus on our passion, our dreams, we would find that these dreams are the same as the dreams of those who we may oppose politically. Elevate the Vote wants to channel this passion into a powerful expression of love, compassion, and shared connectivity across political divides.” (excerpted from upliftconnect.com  https://bit.ly/ElevateTheVote)

Please use your passion to be part of a powerful force for change. Whether you’re in the U.S. or elsewhere, you can help affect this election by holding a higher vision. Host a gathering, join an election day flash mob, take a break and hold a positive vision with your family while watching election results. If you have children, give them an opportunity to feel empowered and involved in what may well be an historic turning point. (A quick Google search will give you more guidance and opportunities to join organized guided meditations in person or online if you so choose.)

OR…simply close your eyes for 60 seconds right now and feel in your heart the possibility that all this craziness truly can be a catalyst for positive, lasting change.

I invite you to pray/affirm with me, in your own way and words:

May the Light of unconditional love and compassion guide each one who casts a vote in this election. May that same Light illuminate the hearts and minds of all world leaders and decision makers, from this moment forward. I know that the power of Love is stronger than any darkness that seems to divide our nation and our world, and I envision truly miraculous results…a beautiful phoenix of compassion, good will, cooperation and kindness rising from these divisive ashes. I believe in the innate goodness of the human heart, and I envision that potential manifesting now as a world of peace, harmony and mutual respect amongst all nations, all races, all beings. And so it is.

And so, my friends, should you feel the anxiety of this high-level drama as it nears its climax, know you are not alone. Let it spur you to inner and outer action. Choose love. Believe. Elevate. Where some would divide, let us instead unite…to bring into being a truly better world, and to heal our great nation.

In the immortal words of John Lennon…

“Imagine all the people, living life in peace. You may say I’m a dreamer. But I’m not the only one. Perhaps someday you’ll join us, and the world will live as one.”

Perhaps that someday is now. From my heart, I thank you.


Hopps is charming in “Raw Canvas,” The story of Rosalyn, a talented painter, inspired by Walton’s own mother-in-law, Australian artist Helen Marshall.
Dorothy Velasco