Like Ripples in a Pond…

Like Ripples in a Pond…


I have used some of Nancy’s excellent relaxation tapes with both adults and teens with superb results.  Her gentle, pleasing voice aids in transporting the listener through a rainbow of guided images.  I highly recommend her tapes to anyone who is on the path less traveled.
Joyce ThayerLake County Learning CenterLakeview, OR

by | Dec 19, 2007 | Blog | 0 comments

I had a rather frustrating day yesterday, full of computer snafus that culminated in wiping out many hours of work I’d spent all afternoon doing. It took a number of deep breaths, and reminders to myself about the relative importance of life’s little challenges, in order to retain my sense of inner harmony.

By the time I got to the store, laptop in hand, to drop off the digital photo files I’d been working on, I was feeling a little brain-numbed. I was happy to see the name tag on the young man behind the counter – Eric was the one I’d spoken to earlier on the phone, and his calm, patient manner had already made a positive difference in my day.

Now, here I was, a week before Christmas in the photo department at Rite-Aid, amidst all sorts of harried customers who were demanding assistance with their last minute photo projects.Eric managed to remain calm and focused as he attended to my needs, despite being interrupted about every ten seconds by another customer with “just a quick question”. And, true to the stereotype of an under-thirty male, he was able to solve my current technical dilemma with a few dozen lightning-speed clicks on my laptop keyboard.

I needed a CD to copy files for transfer. He could’ve just pointed me to the proper aisle. Instead, he walked me to aisle 7B, where he helped me choose the best and least expensive option. Back at the counter, he continued to walk me through the process of copying the files (including the little surprise techno-glitches that occurred in that process), then offered to set my laptop behind the counter for the fifteen minutes or so it would take to finish copying, so I wouldn’t have to carry it.

I played in the slippers aisle until they were done, came back, filled out the envelopes (with his assistance!) and then when I told him I really needed it tonight, he volunteered to bump it ahead of other less critical orders. He also offered to call me on my cell as soon as they were done, saying he would do his best to finish it before his shift ended.

He did.  And the crowning glory was that, when I returned to pay for them, Eric found a coupon for me that ended up saving me over $50 on my order!

But the “ripples” didn’t end there.

Obviously, Eric’s positive energy and superior service made a big ripple in my pond. His good will affected me so deeply, I felt inspired to go next door to the market and buy a thank-you card, on which I wrote a few sentences expressing my heartfelt gratitude. While in the checkout line, I ran into a friend I’d not seen in many months. I told him the Eric story, and he walked with me back to the drug store to deliver the card.

Eric had now left for the night, so I gave it to his supervisor, telling her what great service Eric had provided, and asking her to please pass on the card to him tomorrow.  She responded like a proud parent. Her night was brightened.

Then, as we left the store to head for our respective vehicles, my friend, Jason, said, “That’s what I love about you. I think of doing things like that, but you actually do them!”

To this, I replied, “Thanks, Jason, for that affirmation….sometimes I do, and sometimes I don’t take the time either. But to me, this is what this whole season is really about……”

He hugged me, and said, with a catch in his throat, “Yeah… Sometimes with all the other stuff in my life, I forget.  I just… forget! I’m so glad I ran into you tonight. You just changed my whole night.”

And the ripples continue to spread….


May the peace, love, joy and gratitude you create in your own heart create endless ripples of peace, love, joy and gratitude in the world during this most holy of seasons…and always.




I have used some of Nancy’s excellent relaxation tapes with both adults and teens with superb results.  Her gentle, pleasing voice aids in transporting the listener through a rainbow of guided images.  I highly recommend her tapes to anyone who is on the path less traveled.
Joyce ThayerLake County Learning CenterLakeview, OR