Nautilus Book Awards Winner!!

Nautilus Book Awards Winner!!


I have used some of Nancy’s excellent relaxation tapes with both adults and teens with superb results.  Her gentle, pleasing voice aids in transporting the listener through a rainbow of guided images.  I highly recommend her tapes to anyone who is on the path less traveled.
Joyce ThayerLake County Learning CenterLakeview, OR

by | Jun 6, 2008 | Blog | 0 comments

Spring represents a time of fertility, growth, blossoming…. and boy, is that apro pos for me these days!  Semi-dormant seeds of creativity from my subconscious mind have begun wriggling their way up into the light of conscious awareness. Ideas and projects that have been on the middle burner for months and years now seem to be demanding to be placed front and center. I’ve been curtailing outer activity levels, to afford time for writing, reflecting, researching, as well as for clearing the decks for the next chapter. It’s an exciting time.

And speaking of exciting…..I was recently informed that my Relax Into Healing Series NAUTILUS-SILVER-littleNewsletterweb2.jpgcollection, comprised of my six most recent titles (Healing Affirmations & Harp; Pain: Softening the Sensations; Surgery: Mindful Mending; Cancer: Embracing the Healing Journey; Chemotherapy: A Healing Solution; and Radiation: Removing the Dross), was named a Silver Award Winner in the prestigious Nautilus Book Awards. Nautilus’ slogan is “Changing the world, one book at a time.”  The category my titles placed in is World-Changing Audio Books.  Wow.

This is a big deal on many levels. To begin with, it is very gratifying to be in the esteemed company of the other award winners, who include the likes of Deepak Chopra, Krishna Das, Lynn McTaggart, Julia Cameron, Barbara Kingsolver, Norman Shealy, Dawson Church, Gregg Braden, Gary Zukav, Thich Nhat Hanh…to name but a few.

(Pardon me for name dropping, but to be in this kind of company is pretty humbling, and pretty darn cool…!)

Also, from a marketing standpoint, it is very helpful to be able to use the coveted award-winning adjective to describe my work. This kind of commendation will help tremendously to get this work out there to even more people who can benefit from it.  Which is, after all, the point of all this.

And yet even way more cool and gratifying than the notoriety and marketability aspects, is the fact that this is a testament to the power of belief, the power of intention, and an unrelenting faith in the Higher Power.

I remember sitting at the Nautilus Book Awards ceremony back in the early 1990’s, when I had only one little cassette tape out on the market, and I was stumbling my way around the ABA trade show (now renamed the BEA), trying to educate myself on how this whole crazy publishing/marketing world works. (I’m still workin’ on that..!)  I watched, with tears in my eyes, as author after author went up and received their award for having created life-changing, higher consciousness books.

Something inside me stirred…deeply.  And I vowed, “Someday…..”

I held that vision for years, through many ups and downs and ins and outs. Now, with the unrelenting assistance of the Higher Power (and the addition of a new category this year for audio books!) I am at that juncture in my Path. It’s time. And so I head to LA to receive my award, with overflowing gratitude in my heart for this honor… and this responsibility.

And I pray that the Divine Muse keeps clearing and using me, so that I may be as effective a Vehicle as possible, as we all work together to change the world… thought, one word, one action….one choice at a time.

I leave you with a quote from the Talmud:

If I am not for myself, who will be for me?
    If only for myself, what good am I?
                  If not now, when?



I have used some of Nancy’s excellent relaxation tapes with both adults and teens with superb results.  Her gentle, pleasing voice aids in transporting the listener through a rainbow of guided images.  I highly recommend her tapes to anyone who is on the path less traveled.
Joyce ThayerLake County Learning CenterLakeview, OR