On Marriage…and the Google God of Translation!

On Marriage…and the Google God of Translation!


I have used some of Nancy’s excellent relaxation tapes with both adults and teens with superb results.  Her gentle, pleasing voice aids in transporting the listener through a rainbow of guided images.  I highly recommend her tapes to anyone who is on the path less traveled.
Joyce ThayerLake County Learning CenterLakeview, OR

by | Feb 7, 2012 | Blog | 0 comments

As I think any married couple would agree, marriage is a Life’s Work. It is a constantly growing and changing spiritual art-form. Your beloved serves as a perfect mirror for you And, like any mirror, sometimes the reflection you see is a lot more pleasing to look at than other times! And yet, if we gaze with loving intention, and a desire to see the Truth about ourselves and our partner, this “marriage mirror” provides an unparalleled opportunity for spiritual growth and unfoldment.

The ability to maintain a sense of perspective, and a sense of humor, becomes essential! Thankfully, the Divine Spirit has quite a sense of humor.

A perfect example occurred recently as I was working on the ceremony for a young couple, Christina and Lazzaro, who are very dear to me. I was to officiate their wedding in a few days, and Christina had sent me the words – in Spanish – of the beautiful prayer that she and Lazzaro were to speak in the bi-lingual ceremony. Given that my understanding of Spanish is minimal, I did what we all do these days if we need to know something: I googled it.

Well, the Google God of Translation definitely has a sense of humor, because the last line of their beautiful prayer was translated thusly:

Help us to see and learn about laundry divine….
and keep alive this truth today and forever

I laughed. A lot. And I thought, “How perfect – to pray that you may forever recognize and learn about “Divine Laundry.”  Here is an excerpt from the marriage address I delivered:

“Because this is really what marriage boils down to, isn’t it? Sure, there are the luscious moments of romance and attraction, times of great adventure and peak experiences– but mostly, marriage is about – life is about – finding the Divine in EVERYTHING – including dirty laundry!

There’s a Zen saying, “Before enlightenment, chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment, chop wood, carry water.” The same actions, and yet it’s an entirely different experience, depending on your state of awareness.

It’s through the millions of mundane choices we make – through the thoughts we hold, the words we choose to speak – or not speak – the simple actions we carry out every day, that we have the opportunity to move ever closer to enlightenment…to become ever purer Beings of Light.

Marriage is a life’s work. It is a commitment that carries both profound joy and great responsibility.

Marriage is the physical, emotional and spiritual union of two beings, two individuals who willingly choose to keep re-discovering who they are in the presence of one another.

A wedding celebration affords an opportunity not only for the bride and groom, but for all of us to reflect on who we are, and what we’re all doing here…here, on this planet.

I believe we are here to learn what it really means to love, as an active daily principle. We are learning to choose love over fear. Compassion over judgment. To choose that which unites rather than that which divides.”

In closing, the essence of the blessing I spoke to the bride and groom is the same blessing I wish for you:

May you constantly be aware of these moments of choice. In your marriage, and in all relationships, may you be a willing and loving catalyst for one another’s individual growth and spiritual transformation.

May your life always be blessed with patience, kindness, compassion, respect, and unconditional love, and may your capacity to love continue to expand and deepen with every passing day.




I have used some of Nancy’s excellent relaxation tapes with both adults and teens with superb results.  Her gentle, pleasing voice aids in transporting the listener through a rainbow of guided images.  I highly recommend her tapes to anyone who is on the path less traveled.
Joyce ThayerLake County Learning CenterLakeview, OR