“Staying High” During Times Like These

“Staying High” During Times Like These


Hopps is charming in “Raw Canvas,” The story of Rosalyn, a talented painter, inspired by Walton’s own mother-in-law, Australian artist Helen Marshall.
Dorothy Velasco

by | Feb 4, 2017 | Blog | 2 comments

Just prior to the election, I felt deeply inspired to write a blog piece. As I’ve meditated on what to write in this new blog post, I repeatedly come back to that message. The gist of that message is, to me, the most important thing we can be in conversation about right now.

Although part of me is SO tired of having all this “political stuff” be such a focal point of seemingly everything we hear or read these days,  this truly goes way beyond politics. I once again feel compelled to share this crucial viewpoint. If you, too, continue to deeply wrestle with all this, I hope this will help:  

WorldSoundHelaingDayLOGOIn the weeks leading up to and since Election Day, I’ve felt an uncustomary heaviness in my heart.  At times, I’ve felt numbed and overwhelmed, like a sponge soaking up the generalized anxiety so pervasive in many of those around me. And I know I am not alone. The recent US election outcome is affecting our entire global family in unprecedented ways.

I normally do not engage in much political discussion, especially in a professional capacity. But this is different. Like many others around the world, I am very concerned about what is already unfolding as a result of our recent elections. And like at least half of our country, I have grave misgivings about our new president and  his administration.

At the same time, I believe political representatives are just that – representatives. An elected official cannot be other than a reflection of collective consciousness. To focus solely on bedeviling one individual is to miss a much larger picture, and a much larger opportunity for healing.

I believe we are being presented with a powerful opportunity for growth and change.  As individuals and as a nation, the way in which we deal with the fear, anger, anxiety and divisiveness that are prevalent in our current political climate will (quite literally) make a world of difference.  We have co-created a perfect climate to spur us into elevating our consciousness, big time.  As Michele Obama put it, we can choose not to “go low,” but instead to “go high.”

If you are frightened that our democracy itself may hang in the balance, I invite you to join me and many others around the world in consciously transmuting and transforming this fear-based energy.

I certainly urge you to follow your heart and take any political and/or social actions you may feel inspired to take (think Standing Rock and the Women’s March!  United, we can and do make a difference!) By all means, please support local and national organizations that are working to preserve and ensure basic human rights.

But I also entreat you to wield your influence beyond any outer actions you may choose to take.

How?  By utilizing the unparalleled power of meditation and prayer. To clear your own vessel. To visualize our global community living in peace and harmony with each other and with Mother Earth.  To learn, more deeply than ever before, to BE the change you wish to see in the world.

Hundreds of well-documented studies have been done showing that focused intention via meditation, prayer, sound and other forms of energy healing have tangible positive effects, including lowering crime rate and reducing conflict activity in war zones.  (https://bit.ly/GlobalConsciousnessProject-Princeton https://bit.ly/MaharishiResearch)

I’ve been working in mindbodyspirit healing for over three decades, and find Sound Healing to be one of the most effective, elegant ways to facilitate vibrational frequency shifts on a personal and planetary level.

One opportunity to join energetic forces to facilitate healing is on World Sound Healing Day, Feb 14. Originated 15 years ago by sound healing pioneer Jonathan Goldman this is a powerful opportunity to raise the vibrational level of the planet.  I’ll once again be leading a gathering here in my hometown of Eugene, Oregon.  https://nancyhopps.com/upcoming-events/. Jonathan offers opportunities on his website (https://www.worldsoundhealingday.org) if you’d like to find ways to participate.

As Einstein said,

“A problem cannot be solved from the same consciousness level in which is was created.”

History has proven all too clearly that many of our ongoing challenges – war, racism, poverty, global warming, to name but a few – can seem to have no solutions within our current consciousness level.

Individually and collectively, we must become the change we seek.  And we must do it now.  We must not allow ourselves to get paralyzed or demoralized by fear, judgment, anxiety or hopelessness.  We must, again and again, choose to let our unrest be a catalyst compelling us to Choose Love.

We must empower our belief in the innate goodness of humankind, and in the possibility of transcendent awakenings.

The national political climate is very charged with strong, disparate opinions. We must recognize the strength of these passions, and choose to channel them into a powerful expression of compassion, and unity across political divides.

Please use your passion to be part of a powerful force for change. Please help hold a higher vision.

seeds_of_peace-cover photoMy  Seeds of Peace CD includes two guided meditation processes (“I AM Light”  and “Seeds of Peace”) both created with the intention of guiding individuals and groups into a place of deep remembering – remembering that our essence is Love, and that with Love, all things are possible.  Combined with the high frequencies of my alchemical crystal singing bowls, these processes are designed to open and activate higher chakra energy and raise your vibrational level, so that you may truly experience deep peace within your own being.  (We’ll be experiencing this together on Feb 14th, if you’re able to join us.)

This is how real change occurs. Within each of us. No one “out there” can override the power of collective consciousness.  So now, more than ever, it is imperative that we deepen, by moment-to-moment practice, our capacity to be peace.

I invite you right now, as you read, to feel in your heart the possibility that all this outer craziness truly can be a catalyst for positive, lasting change.  I invite you to pray/affirm with me, in your own way:

“May the Light of Unconditional Love illuminate the hearts and minds of all world leaders and decision makers, from this moment forward. I know that the power of Love is stronger than any darkness that seems to divide our nation and our world. I envision truly miraculous changes unfolding…a beautiful phoenix of compassion, good will, cooperation and kindness rising from these divisive ashes. I believe in the innate goodness of the human heart.  I envision the divine potential within each of us manifesting now, creating a world of peace, harmony and mutual respect amongst all nations, all races, all beings. And so it is.”

And so, my friends, should you feel the anxiety of the high-level drama that’s being played out in our country and in other parts of the world, know you are not alone. Let it spur you to inner and outer action. Choose love. Believe. Elevate. Where some would divide, let us unite. Let us heal our divisions, inwardly and outwardly, and bring into being a truly better world.

In the immortal words of John Lennon…

“Imagine all the people, living life in peace.
You may say I’m a dreamer. But I’m not the only one. 

Perhaps someday you’ll join us, and the world will live as one.”

Perhaps that someday is now.




Hopps is charming in “Raw Canvas,” The story of Rosalyn, a talented painter, inspired by Walton’s own mother-in-law, Australian artist Helen Marshall.
Dorothy Velasco