Edward B. Versteeg, Psy.D.


I have had a real breakthrough the past two nights with the “Finding the Peaceful Place Within” CD. Thank you sooo much …. I’ve been wanting to find a good CD for a couple of years to help me and this is the first one that has really clicked for me. I feel so grateful.  I’m wondering if I could order the sleep one as well?
Leah GreenFounder and Director of The Compassionate Listening ProjectSeattle, WA

I want to thank you again for your contributions to the Oregon Psychological Association’s workshop, “Signs Along the Way: Identifying and Dealing With Clinical Nightmares” …As you know, we were addressing the most serious of situations for mental health practitioners, and it was the interspersion of your talents throughout the day that made the day more than just palatable, but actually enjoyable. Participants left on a very positive note thanks to you. I have received dozens of compliments directly relating to your presentations and performances.  I applaud your versatility in being so adaptive in meeting our goals for the workshop. I found your presentations inspirational. You were captivating. I am impressed with your ability to capture what we were dreaming of and bring it to life. Thank-you again.

Edward B. Versteeg, Psy.D.Chair, Psychologist Support Committee Oregon Psychological Association


Relaxation for Expectant Mothers by Nancy Hopps provides pregnant women and their loved ones a powerful means of promoting relaxation and reducing fear.  With regular practice, a woman conditioned with Nancy’s soothing voice will have a much easier time in her labor and delivery.  Whether you desire natural childbirth or seek pain relief with drugs or anesthesia, this recording will invite and assist you in listening to your body, and the child inside you.
Jan H. StaflMD Board Certified in Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Holistic Medicine