Private Counseling/Healing Sessions Testimonials


Yesterday I was pretty sick and listened to the new [Pain] CD 3 times. It is just perfect. You have such an amazing gift… your voice is so comforting and soothing and well-timed. Your choice of words is the best…stuff I’ve never heard on any other CD. It eases so much of the tension and lowers the pain decibels so that I can always fall asleep, even if just for a little while. The reprieve I get is such a huge relief. I’d like to buy one for my oldest daughter, as well, because she too gets thes… Read more
Vicki Falsgraf

More Testimonials/Endorsements

For comments from private clients whose work focused primarily on sound healing, click here.


These amazing people all hold special places in my heart. I am deeply grateful to have had the honor of working with each of them. I’m also grateful they were willing to share their experiences so candidly, either via written word, or via video interview (transcribed below,) with the intent of helping spread this work to others in need. Extraordinary souls, all…

Your kindness, heart, and healing spirit made the most difficult time for me actually positive, even a little joyous. Your self-less, undying friendship with my mom and our family [before and during her passing] was immeasurable and a gift beyond words. Please know I will always consider you a friend and mentor.  Thank you, Nancy.

Sherrie Warthen

I think you probably knew just how much I needed that time with you yesterday. I have not cried that long and hard with anyone but [my husband] in probably 25 years. So much release…so much insight and healing happened. I have been tired today … but so much calmer. So thank you for being such an amazing being, for offering such a safe space for me and for shining your loving heart and facilitating such deep healing. You are a wonder.

T.H.Eugene, OR

One year ago, after 30 years of marriage, I lost my husband to suicide after making the decision to divorce him. I was left with a lot of unresolved guilt and sadness, which had not progressed very far in the healing process, despite months of traditional “talk therapy”. My life had become something to be endured rather than enjoyed. I could not shake the guilt or sadness. I began to have neurological symptoms, and the neurologist said that I should seek emotional healing for the symptoms. (Symptoms includes a “jumping” of muscles including both eyes, face, lips, arms, legs, fingers, toes, as well as not being able to find words to communicate simple concepts.)

I had visited Nancy’s website and read that she worked with cancer patients in their healing process. I called to ask if she would be willing to work with me on the emotional healing I needed to pursue. She said that she had successfully helped people with emotional and neurological symptoms. We set up an appointment.

During the treatment, she worked with me on the unresolved feelings, utilizing alchemical crystal singing bowls, hands-on energy work, affirmations/prayer, and interactive guided imagery. It was an extremely spiritual experience, and I was rattled at first because of some conservative religious roots, but I had recently come around to include other modes of spirituality in my life, so it turned out, I was very open to the process.

Immediately, I noticed that a lot of the physical pain I had been experiencing was alleviated. I no longer had pains in my stomach or my hip, which had been constant since the incident a year ago. Movement began to be a pleasurable activity. I felt stronger and had more energy. I began to be able to express moments of pure joy for the sake of the joy itself. I remember one specific time, about a week after the treatment, when I was listening to music while doing dishes. I began moving to the music and went out to the other room so I could spread out and enjoy dancing to the music. I danced so long that I was perspiring when I finally plopped down on the sofa. I felt so good, so free, so joyful. I don’t know if I’d ever given in to such pure joy before!

My body and mind are healing a little more every day. No more undue guilt. The sadness intensified at first, then subsided. Of course, I still cry, but the sadness does not consume me. The physical pain has not returned and the neurological symptoms* are subsiding. I still have lots of energy and am still dancing!

I am so grateful!



(POST- SCRIPT:) Well, one year later, still pain free in my hip and stomach, where there had been constant pain until after I came to you. Still remembering to take time to be quiet and using your CD to help me…….Thank you for the work you do and the difference you made in my life. Much love and gratitude to you.

Darlene P.Creswell, OR

I first started working with Nancy in 2003. I had been diagnosed with bipolar disorder several years previously, and I was having a hell of a time figuring out how to go forward. Nancy was amazingly helpful, supportive, and incredibly patient during this period of our association. When we terminated the therapeutic relationship at an appropriate point, we parted on loving terms.

I called Nancy again in 2010, after a terrifying PTSD flashback of a violent suicide attempt two years previously. I’ve joked that I went to her for “spiritual urgent care,” which is very true, but I stayed on because I felt Nancy had offered a glimpse into a much happier and fulfilling life.

I tried to explain to my psychiatrist some of the different healing modalities Nancy uses. It wasn’t easy. With Nancy’s help, I came up with: “a combination of mindfulness practices, hypnotherapy, interactive guided imagery, NLP, energy psychology, cognitive behavioral therapy, bodywork, intuition and Love.”

Another therapeutic technique Nancy now often uses is sound healing, including crystal singing bowls. I have been lucky enough to hear Nancy play the bowls many times. Their tones are beautiful and I love to lie with my eyes closed and follow one tone’s oscillations into the far distance.

However, Nancy uses the bowls as tools for powerful healing. I recently was dealing with debilitating back pain, and after a bowls “treatment” during which I was in a deeply relaxed state, the pain diminished to nearly nothing. I think Nancy was surprised when I just hopped onto the massage table the next time I saw her. (On top off all this, Nancy is a gifted licensed massage therapist.) Nancy coaxes beautiful music from the crystal bowls, but her healing work with them is magic.

I remember saying to Nancy a couple of years ago, “When I tried to commit suicide I found out just how bad life could be.” Working with her now, I’m very hopeful that I’ll continue learning just how good life can get.” And that truly is magic.

Linda Hof

NOTE: These last 6 testimonials are transcripts from video testimonials, hence the question-and-answer format and conversational style.

The emphasis in 5 of the 6 transcribed testimonials is primarily on cancer-related healing, as these interviews were taped here at The Healing Sanctuary, soon after the release of my award-winning Relax Into Healing Series of CDs in 2006. But whether it’s cancer or relationship issues or any other life challenge, in my experience, Love remains the greatest healing power.

How were you first introduced to Nancy’s work?

I was diagnosed with [liver] cancer almost two years ago. I had surgery about six weeks after I was diagnosed…Some friends brought me [Nancy’s] CD…to prepare for and heal during [and after] surgery….Then once I started healing from the surgery, I had some friends who collected a fund for me to come and work with [Nancy]…It was an unbelievable gift….and so I started coming to work with her…
How has your life been impacted by your work with Nancy?
It’s going to choke me up…just thinking about that.. In huge ways, actually. Nancy…. I feel a deep connection with her, a deep heart connection. I feel like her experience with cancer has helped me feel like someone gets what I’m going through… She’s given me hope, at a time when I didn’t feel like there was hope…When I’m with Nancy, I get to…have all my feelings – I grieve…I get to be scared, and I get to feel hopeful, and grateful… She’s helped me to embrace this whole experience, this whole journey.

Is there a particular technique you’ve found especially valuable?

Well, visualization has been huge for me, and I practice it on my own…..I knew about visualization before my work with Nancy, but I think…having a master teacher work with [me] individually…has just brought it to a new level for me. When I do yoga practice or meditation, I incorporate the visualization that I learned with Nancy and it’s deeper than anything I’ve ever done before…And then when I work with her, she does body work with me, and we do visualization… and she also does some sound healing. I have tumors in my liver and…I think it’s all really powerful.

Anything else you want to add?

Umm…There have been many gifts I’ve gotten on this journey (of having cancer) that I never…. You know, it’s your worst fear, when you find out you have cancer…There have been many, many gifts that I have gotten, and I’m still getting. And Nancy’s one of the biggest ones.

BonniePsychologist (liver cancer)

How did you come to use Nancy’s CDs?

I first heard about her CDs from a doctor, after I had had surgery…Then, I went to a [Cancer] support group… It was a group that I wasn’t “clicking with.” It wasn’t a spiritual, mind-body healing … anything like that. And I so wanted that! And then [Nancy] came in… and I just knew she was there for me!

What, specifically, from her CDs has been most valuable for you?

I think that you can take any negative anything, and turn it around and make it positive. I remember going through chemo, and sitting in the chair and instead of thinking I had poison flowing through my veins, [imagining] I had a light flowing through my bloodstream and it was seeking out the cancer and getting rid of it. And that was a much better way to sit for a few hours…It wasn’t scary when I thought of it that way.

And I also had a friend [of a friend] who was petrified… It was someone who was having a hard time with chemo, and somebody told me about her, so I sent her the [Chemotherapy] CD, and the rest of her chemo treatments were fabulous! And the nurse wanted to know what she was doing, because she was horrible after the first one, and for the rest of her time her treatment went great!  I got to meet her, and have one of those really good hugs… So it’s being passed all around and it’s great: she’s helped a friend now. And that’s just how it works…

Anything else you’d like to say about Nancy or her work?

Hmmm……I feel very blessed to have had her come into my life, I think she’s a very special person, and I think she’s on a path to help a lot of people…and I – I’m just lucky to have met her.

LoreleiElementary School Teacher (breast cancer)

Why did you choose to work with Nancy?

I had a felt a lump on my neck around New Years Eve, and I was diagnosed a few weeks later with…non-Hodgkins lymphoma. And, I had known, I knew Nancy from a stage production we were in together. And I knew that she did healing work with cancer patients.

So, we hadn’t spoken in a while, but I called her up and we had lunch and…I started seeing her regularly, weekly, after that.

What are some of the most important things you’ve learned in your work with Nancy?

Awareness of my body, and my thoughts, and how the diagnosis was affecting me. As well as how I was living – she really helped me look inside and see, you know, how I was reacting to things, where I was carrying stress, and different, kind of, ways of being that might have actually contributed to the cancer happening. She never put it like that, in those words, like “You caused your own cancer” ***, but looking back I can see that there were some ways I was living that weren’t, you know, in the best interest of my health. I mean it’s not that I was doing anything unusual, it’s what everyone’s doing – just running around and being crazy and being on a treadmill and never slowing down. I teach school and that kept me pretty busy.

WillSchool Teacher (non-Hodgkins lymphoma)

How were you drawn to Nancy’s work?

About three years ago there was a lovely article in the Register Guard and it really told all about her. I had [breast] cancer at the time but it had not spread and I wasn’t really in need of, or didn’t think I was in need, of help at the time. But very shortly after that, Nancy had a CD signing over at Border’s bookstore and I was out of town…but I gave her a call because my cancer had spread and I was needing to start chemo. And, oh, I’ll tell you, when I got out here to see her, and bought more of her tapes [CDs], it’s just been a blessing.

What aspect of her work or CDs has impacted you most?

The calming effect. I put about five of them on my iPod and would listen to it through the chemo treatments, and, it’s just… she just puts you into such a wonderful place. I have one of them in a portable CD player by my bedside. And almost every night when I wake up in the middle of the night, can’t go back to sleep, I’ll turn on her tape. She’s just been such an important part of my life….I have recommended her to many, many people… I just can’t say enough good about her. She brings peace and serenity to your life and…real purpose. I know I can conquer anything with her guidance and help.

JeanRetired Executive Secretary (breast cancer)

As a Massage Therapist [LMT], how do you use Nancy’s work?

She’s been a resource for me, so anytime that I have a client that needs to really ground and center, I send them to her. Or, if I have clients who are undergoing chemotherapy or surgery, I always have them go get her CDs.

How have Nancy’s CDs helped your clients?

Well, one really cool thing about the Surgery one is that surgeons let their patients take the CDs into the operating room. And a friend of mine had knee surgery, and he took it in with him, on his ipod or something, and had all of those positive thoughts, affirmations, going on while he was under anesthesia, during surgery! And he recovered so quickly!

Any other thoughts about Nancy’s work?

You know, I wanna tell you…about one thing on the CD – on discovering that a person has cancer. When I was 19, I had cancer, and I was in LA at a big general hospital – UCLA. And I didn’t have anybody with me, and I had no idea what was going on.  And even at that time [there were] people saying that maybe it was something that I did that made me get cancer…

On Nancy’s CD on Cancer, she starts it by saying that it can be a real blessing and that it’s not this horrible monster taking over your life. It’s something that’s happening and…that we have choice and power within that. I would have really liked that, way back then.

KimLMT (cancer at 19)

Can you talk about some of the healing work you’ve done with Nancy?

We started with bodywork and… it’s kind of opened some things up and I began to really understand that what was happening here was beyond simple body work, and that I carry within my body a lot of my past [abuse] experience. And that, working with Nancy had really started to open that up in a way that it hadn’t been before. I had been aware of things, and I had been aware of my body as an athlete, as a martial artist, before, but not in a deeper…psychological type of way…before I had come to talk to Nancy about it…..

Is there anything specific you’ve done with Nancy that’s really been impactful?

The bodywork was really powerful in the beginning.  And then, she has a technique where she uses sound – these wonderful crystal bowls that make these…different resonant sounds that really help to bring some of that [blocked energy stored in the body] to the surface. And then…she melded that together with the bodywork, and created a really powerful experience for me.

Are you still using any of the things you learned with Nancy in your own healing?

Yes, I have come to have this sacred space alone, by myself, that I can create thirty minutes or 40 minutes of time for myself, where… I don’t know what I owe to anybody or anybody else owes to me… it’s a….. a space for Being. And creating that space for Being allows all kinds of different communication to happen, different ways of perceiving, different ways of looking at my life…

Anything else you’d like to say about Nancy’s work?

Absolutely… you know, it’s somewhat taboo in this culture…in [some forms of clinical therapeutic] healing arts, to really, truly talk about Love. And, I got the sense immediately with our “check-ins” and with our time together doing our healing work, that… Nancy accepts the energy that comes to her and makes contact with that, in such a loving way that it begins to draw out anything that might happen to be incongruent with Love. …That has basically been my experience: that Nancy has a very unique capacity for real Love. I mean, as taboo as that is to talk about in the healing profession, it is what makes the difference, and has made the difference for me.

JasonPhD, Clinical Psychology (abuse survivor)

The healing hands, voice and other amazing offerings by Nancy Hopps are something I hope you get to experience in your lifetime. Whether it be through her Relax Into Healing CDs (in my case, the one for before, during and after Surgery), or at one of her crystal singing bowls events, or through massage and sound healing work at her beautiful Healing Sanctuary, you, like me, will be better for it. I have experienced all of the above and my body, mind and spirit have benefited in a way that I can only describe as ‘peaceful, soothing and ultimately very healing.

Storm KennedyEugene, Oregon

{***A quick note from NancyI just want to reiterate and clarify, so there’s no misunderstanding of Will’s phrasing, that our work was focused not on how he “caused his own cancer” (often referred to as “New Age Guilt”!), but rather on thought, emotional and behavioral patterns, as well as lifestyles choices, which had been keeping him in a chronically over-stressed state – a state which was not optimally conducive to his body-mind system’s ability to maintain its innate, natural state of health and well-being.

There is a BIG difference between “causing cancer” and making choices that affect our own health and well-being, or lack thereof!  It’s a differentiation many people misunderstand.  The former can be guilt producing and very detrimental. The latter can be empowering and potentially life-saving!}

Please click here for:

TESTIMONIALS from INDIVIDUALSGeneral Relaxation Titles
(Relaxation/Affirmation Techniques, Relax-Quick!, Deep Healing Sleep, Finding the Peaceful Place, Relaxation for Expectant Mothers)


TESTIMONIALS from INDIVIDUALSSpecific Healing Titles
(Cancer: Embracing the Healing Journey, Chemotherapy, Radiation, Surgery, Pain, Healing Affirmations & Harp)




Or click here for:

(Dr. Bernie Siegel, Dr. Joan Borysenko, Jack Canfield, etc.)


(Reader’s Digest, Redbook, Yoga Journal, etc.)




It was a pleasure to have you in our store. The customers (and staff!) really enjoyed your discussion… I look forward to working with you in the future.
Jody OrrBarnes & NoblePortland, OR